📄️ NDArray::append
Append values to the end of an array.
📄️ NDArray::atleast_1d
Convert inputs to arrays with at least one dimension.
📄️ NDArray::atleast_2d
Convert inputs to arrays with at least two dimensions.
📄️ NDArray::atleast_3d
Convert inputs to arrays with at least three dimensions.
📄️ NDArray::concatenate
Join a sequence of arrays along an existing axis.
📄️ NDArray::copy
Create a copy of array $a.
📄️ NDArray::dstack
Stack arrays in sequence depth wise (along third axis).
📄️ NDArray::expand_dims
Adds a new axis to the array at the specified position, thereby expanding its shape.
📄️ NDArray::fill
Fill the array with a scalar value.
📄️ NDArray::flatten
Return a copy of the array $a into one dimension.
📄️ NDArray::hstack
Stack arrays in sequence horizontally (column wise).
📄️ NDArray::moveaxis
Move axes of an array to new positions.
📄️ NDArray::reshape
Changes the shape of the NDArray.
📄️ NDArray::rollaxis
Roll the specified axis backwards, until it lies in a given position.
📄️ NDArray::shape
Return a PHP array representing the shape of the NDArray
📄️ NDArray::size
Return the total number of elements in the NDArray.
📄️ NDArray::squeeze
Remove axes of length one from $a.
📄️ NDArray::swapaxes
Interchange two axes of an array.
📄️ NDArray::toArray
Return a PHP array with the same shape and a copy of values of the NDArray.
📄️ NDArray::transpose
Return the transpose of matrix $a
📄️ NDArray::vstack
Stack arrays in sequence vertically (row wise).