📄️ toArray
Converts the buffer data to a PHP object, array or scalar.
📄️ detach
Returns a new Tensor, detached from the current graph. The result will never require gradient.
📄️ getData
📄️ isGPU
📄️ getName
📄️ getShape
Returns the shape of the Tensor or 0 if the Tensor is a scalar.
📄️ grad
This attribute is NULL by default and becomes a Tensor the first time a call to backward()
📄️ graph
Print the Tensor graph.
📄️ isScalar
Returns true if the tensor is a scalar or false if it is an n-dimensional array.
📄️ numElements
Returns the total number of elements in the tensor.
📄️ requireGrad
📄️ resetGradients
📄️ getTape
Get current gradient tape head for self.
📄️ backward
Computes the gradient of current tensor graph leaves.