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Activation functions are mathematical functions used in neural networks to introduce non-linearity into the model. This non-linearity enables the network to learn complex patterns and relationships in the data. Activation functions are applied to the output of each neuron, determining whether that neuron should be activated or not.

Activation functions can be found through static calls in the class NumPower\NeuralNetwork\Activations;.

Non-Linear Activations


public static function tanh(int|float|array|\NDArray|Tensor $x, string $name = 'out_tanh'): Tensor

This function computes the hyperbolic tangent (tanh) activation function on the provided input. Tanh transforms each element of the input tensor using the hyperbolic tangent function, which maps values to the range (-1, 1). It is useful for normalizing inputs in neural networks and other computational models, providing a smooth transition between negative and positive values.


public static function softplus(int|float|array|\NDArray|Tensor $x, string $name = 'out_softplus'): Tensor

This function computes the Softplus activation function on the provided input. Softplus transforms each element of the input tensor using the natural logarithm of the sum of the exponential of the element and one. This operation smooths out the output, ensuring it is always positive.

The resulting tensor, with the same shape as the input, represents the output of the softplus operation. The optional parameter $name specifies the name of the output tensor and defaults to 'out_softplus'.


public static function softmax(int|float|array|\NDArray|Tensor $x,  string $name = 'out_softmax'): Tensor

This function computes the softmax activation function on the provided input. Softmax transforms each element of the input tensor into a probability distribution by exponentiating each element and then normalizing the tensor so that the sum of all elements equals one. This makes softmax suitable for multi-class classification tasks, where it outputs probabilities for each class.

The resulting tensor, with the same shape as the input, represents the output of the softmax operation. The optional parameter $name specifies the name of the output tensor and defaults to 'out_softmax'.


public static function softsign(int|float|array|\NDArray|Tensor $x,  string $name = 'out_softsign'): Tensor

This function computes the Softsign activation function on the provided input. The softsign function transforms each element of the input tensor by dividing it by the absolute value of itself plus one. This transformation maps the input values to the range (-1, 1), preserving zero.

The resulting tensor, with the same shape as the input, represents the output of the softsign operation. The optional parameter $name specifies the name of the output tensor and defaults to 'out_sigmoid'.


public static function ReLU(int|float|array|\NDArray|Tensor $inputs, string $name = 'out_relu'): Tensor

This function implements the Rectified Linear Unit (ReLU) activation function for a given tensor of inputs. ReLU activation sets all negative values in the tensor to zero, leaving positive values unchanged. The function returns a tensor with the same shape as the input tensor, representing the output of the ReLU operation. The optional parameter $name specifies the name of the output tensor and defaults to 'out_relu'.


public static function CELU(int|float|array|\NDArray|Tensor $x,
float $alpha = 1.0,
string $name = 'out_celu'): Tensor

This function computes the Continuous Exponential Linear Unit (CELU) activation function on the provided input. CELU applies a non-linear transformation that smooths negative values of the input tensor based on the parameter $alpha, while leaving positive values unchanged.

The resulting tensor, with the same shape as the input, represents the output of the CELU operation. The optional parameter $name specifies the name of the output tensor and defaults to 'out_celu'.


public static function SiLU(int|float|array|\NDArray|Tensor $x,
float $beta = 1.0,
string $name = 'out_silu'): Tensor

This function computes the Sigmoid-weighted Linear Unit (SiLU), also known as the Swish activation function, on the provided input. SiLU applies a non-linear transformation that smooths negative values of the input tensor based on the parameter $beta, using a sigmoid function, while preserving positive values unchanged.

The resulting tensor, with the same shape as the input, represents the output of the SiLU operation. The optional parameter $name specifies the name of the output tensor and defaults to 'out_silu'.


public static function SELU(int|float|array|\NDArray|Tensor $inputs,
float $alpha=1.67326,
float $scale=1.0507,
string $name = 'out_selu'): Tensor

This function applies the Scaled Exponential Linear Unit (SELU) activation function to a tensor of inputs. SELU applies a scaled version of the Exponential Linear Unit (ELU), transforming each element of the input tensor based on the parameters $alpha and $scale. The function returns a tensor with the same shape as the input tensor, representing the output of the SELU operation. The optional parameter $name specifies the name of the output tensor and defaults to 'out_selu'.


public static function exponential(int|float|array|\NDArray|Tensor $x, string $name = 'out_exponential'): Tensor

This function computes the exponential function on the provided input. The exponential function raises the mathematical constant 𝑒 (approximately 2.718) to the power of each element in the input tensor. This operation is commonly used in various mathematical and statistical computations.

The resulting tensor, with the same shape as the input, represents the output of the exponential operation. The optional parameter $name specifies the name of the output tensor and defaults to 'out_exponential'.


public static function mish(int|float|array|\NDArray|Tensor $x, string $name = 'out_mish'): Tensor

This function computes the Mish activation function on the provided input. Mish is a relatively newer activation function that smooths and enhances the training of neural networks by introducing a non-linearity that is differentiable and has favorable properties during gradient descent.


public static function sigmoid(int|float|array|\NDArray|Tensor $x,  string $name = 'out_sigmoid'): Tensor

This function computes the sigmoid activation function on the provided input. The sigmoid function transforms each element of the input tensor to a value between 0 and 1, representing the probability-like output of a binary classification decision.

The resulting tensor, with the same shape as the input, represents the output of the sigmoid operation. The optional parameter $name specifies the name of the output tensor and defaults to 'out_sigmoid'.

Linear Activations

A linear activation function, also known as an identity activation function, is a function where the output is directly proportional to the input. In mathematical terms, if the input to the function is 𝑥, the output is also 𝑥.


public static function linear(int|float|array|\NDArray|Tensor $x, string $name = 'out_linear'): Tensor

This function represents the identity or linear activation function, which simply returns the input tensor 𝑥 unchanged. It is used when no activation function is desired or required in a specific layer of a neural network or any other computational graph.