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public function cpu(): NDArray;

Copy the NDArray to the CPU for computation. If the NDArray is already in RAM, a copy will still be made.


Type NDArray

  • A copy of the NDArray but stored in RAM.


use \NDArray as nd;

$a_gpu = nd::array([2, -2, 3])->gpu();

$a_cpu = $a->cpu();

NDArray.uuid 0
NDArray.dims [ 3 ]
NDArray.strides [ 4 ]
NDArray.ndim 1
NDArray.device GPU
NDArray.refcount 1
NDArray.descriptor.elsize 4
NDArray.descriptor.numElements 3
NDArray.descriptor.type float32

NDArray.uuid 1
NDArray.dims [ 3 ]
NDArray.strides [ 4 ]
NDArray.ndim 1
NDArray.device CPU
NDArray.refcount 1
NDArray.descriptor.elsize 4
NDArray.descriptor.numElements 3
NDArray.descriptor.type float32