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public static function dumpDevices(): void;

Dumps information about available devices for GPU computation.


use \NDArray as nd;

Number of CUDA devices: 1

Device 0: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 SUPER
Compute capability: 7.5
Total global memory: 8358854656 bytes
Max threads per block: 1024
Max threads in X-dimension of block: 1024
Max threads in Y-dimension of block: 1024
Max threads in Z-dimension of block: 64
Max grid size in X-dimension: 2147483647
Max grid size in Y-dimension: 65535
Max grid size in Z-dimension: 65535
Max grid size in Z-dimension: 65535
Max grid size in Z-dimension: 65535
Max grid size in Z-dimension: 65535
